

2024/05/05 |
advantage Lucy - Anderson

作詞:石坂義晴・アイコ  作曲:石坂義晴

Anderson is a greedy and skinny kid
Blue bicycle and brother and sister
Chocolate hill is his favorite play ground
"Don't be long" is a pet phrase of mommy

Love, though he feels "something is looking in my heart"
Love, it's a love and he hasn't realized that it is just standing by you

When you really can't see love
Love's connecting over head
And covering aound the world

Every night he is waiting for shooting star
Flower buds are waiting for their bloom
Gorilla is dreaming his hometown from the cage
Heart hasn't become frozen ice yet

Love, though he feels "something is looking in my heart"
Love, it's a love and he hasn't realized that it is just standing by you

When you really can't see love
Love's connecting over head
And covering aound the world

Everyone of all is living in the blue marble
Rolling rolling over
Someone might flip it, by any chance!

2010/08/21 | Comments(1) | TrackBack() | 音樂 Music


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